National eDistrict Service Tracker, a mobile App has been developed using Android Platform, which will enable the citizens to interact with the e-District Application by using hand held (mobile and tablet) devices.

The National eDistrict Service Tracker envisages to support retrieval of application status information from e-District Projects of various states and aware citizen of the country about the list of services running in their states.

National eDistrict Service Tracker would allow any citizen of the country to do the following activities:

  • Get a state-wise/category wise listing of services provided (Assam, Andhra Pradesh,Bihar,Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi,Goa,Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram,Nagaland, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal).


For households and individuals in the United States, income is defined by tax law as a sum that includes any wage, salary, profit, interest payment, rent, or other form of earnings received in a calendar year.

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Caste is a form of social stratification characterised by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a style of life which often includes an occupation, ritual status in a hierarchy, and customary social interaction and exclusion based on cultural notions of purity and pollution. Its paradigmatic ethnographic example is the division of India's Hindu society into rigid social groups, with roots in India's anc…

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